Building a redirect generator on Google Sheets

Building a redirect generator on Google Sheets
Photo by Erik Odiin / Unsplash

Recently, I’ve been dealing with Next JS so the free Google Sheets template that comes with this article to help you manage your redirects at scale, is using the Next JS redirect format. In case you need another redirect formatting, let me know and I will update the generator accordingly.

Currently, the generator handle redirects as above:

module.exports = {
  async redirects() {
    return [
        source: '/about',
        destination: '/',
        permanent: true,

Wildcards are not supported as the generator is designed to help you with tricky redirects (tldr; the ones you can’t handle with a few lines of code).

Get the free Google Sheets template

Please, share your feedbacks! All use cases are not answered so feel free to share your thoughts and use cases as well!

Steps to using the generator

Redirect mapping

The only thing you will be asked is to provide the full list of URLs you want to redirect. The generator handles 1000 redirects. Simply copy and paste your old URLs in the column A of the “redirect mapping” sheet and paste the matching URLs; to whom you want to redirect.


On the “dashboard” sheet, you will be asked to check the boxes accordingly to your needs; either you want to keep or remove the domain name from your URLs (both olds and news).


Final step: check the box to activate the generator. You are know free to go with your redirects, available in sheet “output”.

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